Friday, April 27, 2007


Aight peoples!! Here is the first tangible evidence of my career. It's a music video directed by James Cheeks III!!!! Anywho, before I went to the shoot I saw through the email that the name of the band was CSS (Cansei de Ser Sexy, which I believe means: can't help being sexy in Portugese... yeah Brazilian talk) and I checked them out the night before and what a coincidence? I thought they rocked! So, not only was this going to be directed by a freakin' awesome music video director, but the band was also a band that I actually respected and liked, oh yeah.. and at the shoot they tapped a keg. This made me miss my old college days, but it was disconcerting since it was not even noon when they tapped it. I was like, "hey man, I ain't no alcoholic." But then I happened to be the only one who knew how to tap the keg correctly. And why was there alcohol at the shoot... well see for yourself

Cansei de Ser Sexy - "Alcohol"

I believe I could've been in more of the video since they asked us to stay the rest of the shoot if we wanted, BUT that day my cousins were in town to see my standup so I just really wanted to hang out with them as I'll probably not see them in a long time. Well anyways, I'm happy for the next few days. I also just received my standup in the mail today, but I don't know how I'll be able to broadcast this on the net... for some people who wanna see it that couldn't make it. Once I figure this out... I finna do it. Till then, toodles.

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hey hey!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

how it went

jimminy jimminy jimminy

Yikes. I have never been so nervous. I am told that when a comic, his/her first time, gets up there, "once you hear that laughter of the crowd, you get comfortable and you want more and more." Ummm, well then I guess I might not be a comic. I was so nervous I was shaking like the whole frikky dikky time. I wanted to make more hand gestures, but every time I tried to I'd see my hand shake and I'd just put it right back in my pocket. I believe I heard laughter, but I kept analyzing the whole time how different the reactions were from what I expected. I don't believe I enjoyed myself at all on the stage last night. My teacher told me to have fun up there. I remember that now but forgot it on stage. I dunno, I believe I might have been funny, I don't even know. I just tried to get it all over with as I rehearsed it and then right when I got off stage I drank myself silly. We all ended up going to my local bar, Boardwalk 11, and I don't remember singing Bill Wither's Use Me, but apparently I did. I think that bar now hates me as all I ever do is get belligerent and sing bad. Will I ever do stand up again?? who knows. Only if that "once you hear the crowd..." thing is not true. I plan on posting the copy of the comedy set once I receive it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

ok then..... ummmm first blog first blog

well I think this will have to do for now

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Well, I am kind of nervous, kind of excited, kind of wanting to go back home to Chicago and give up just for 2 more years, ............................. but more on the excited side methinks.
Today I am going to be in LA Forensics as a cop, more of like an extra role I'm presuming. Auditioned for films Saturday and Sunday. Filmed a student short on Saturday (as an extra).
And this is the most acting I've done in 5 years? ? Wow.... now that's a break. Whenever I get stressed I say Oy gevalt, even though I'm not Jewish. My Jewish former roommate kind of gets annoyed when I say it. But on the other hand we have spooned, so. .. . . and we're straight!!