Posted on 08/06/09 03:12 AM | Last edited on 08/06/09 03:14 AM
I find myself, angrily, at a loss. The reason being this: that this whole
rotten tomatoe venue cannot be shared by most of my facebook/myspace/real-life
friends. That last one "real-life" isn't actually an internet
friending network. I really wish I could share my lists, reviews, blogs with
all my friends. Unfortunately I don't believe most of my friends are really
movie buff enough to even be interested in joining this network.
Movies are my life; not in the sense that I work in films day in and day
out (not that I wouldn't invite that; in fact I would love that), but in the
sense that "movies" are what keep me going. If you want me to talk
about something where I can be fully engaged and show strong feelings then just
strike up a conversation about film. This is complicated, though. This
definitely doesn't mean that if you merely mention film that I become a
chatterbox. The thing is, I don't easily divulge most of my thoughts on a film,
because most of the time I am left with distaste. Distaste: when I hear
someone's opinion of a movie that is sophmoric or ignorant. Distaste: when I
see that another person's love for film is not as true as mine. Distaste: when
people haven't seen a movie that I feel is "life-changing." This is
why I mostly steady myself before walking into any discussion relating to film.
I have seen thousands of films and want to ultimately see all the films in the
world I can. In turn, this has made me form certain tastes and standards in
film. Hopefully, I hope you don't perceive me to be a snob. The fact is, I
enjoy a porterhouse steak (medium rare) with nice dark micro brew; but I also
can enjoy some double cheeseburgers/McChickens after a night of drinking a half
a keg of Icehouse. My point is that both can bring me to satiety as two very
different films can as well.
Ok, I'm an actor. As an actor, I hear that I should be more outgoing and a
"people person." Of course this is true for the business side of
acting. Actors, at times, do have to pimp themselves out and be comfortable
around large groups of people because if an actor ever does become a celebrity,
we want that actor to be an attractive, confident, approachable person. I mean,
what kind of celebrity has no confidence and doesn't know how to handle
interviews. The thing is, where is there room for the talent? I believe that an
actor should be a film buff first. In a strict business sense, how do you know
what you're getting into (with a film) when you have no idea what the
screenwriter has already done or what the director has done beforehand. On the
other hand, why not know or see a lot of films since you (as an actor) are
planning to be in them for the rest of your life. For me, I gain inspiration
and knowledge whenever I watch a movie. I am exposed to a different take, a different
style, a different eye, a different ear. In fact I believe an actor should try
to not only watch more films but learn as much about film as possible. But the
opposite is true of most aspiring actors. I believe the majority of actors are
lazy, and this is begining to stray from my original thought so let me wrap it
up. Actors, I think, are wrapped up in a fantasy land of celebrity glamour and
dirt and believe that their whole career depends on luck. I don't think this is
fully true. There are, yes, actors that have been struck by luck, but I still
think that if actors would know more about films then they would help their own
Back to this: film... and my love for it. I can't help but feel that I'm
stealing from a Doogie Howser episode when I continue this thought: I remember
movies acting as a buffer. Whenever my parents had a fight or there was drama,
I can remember all of that dissipating when it was movie time. In a certain
Doogie Howser episode, Doogie's best friend pretty much says the same thing
when he proclames his reason for becoming a film maker. But this still remains
true. Whenever I want to bond with my family, usually it happens with watching
a movie. In general, I believe movies are great tools of diffusion from
everyday life, why not? After a depressing week of work and many arguments of
money, why not an inspirational drama with a sure-bet hollywood ending? You
deserve it. Or after a day of looking at a computer and sitting in a cubicle
for 8 hours, why not a jam-packed action thriller? And so on..
I go to films for inspiration, education, entertainment and mainly...
mainly to feed my soul with art. I think of myself as an artist and there are
many ideas that I have yet to portray in film. Film is my art, and I love
filling the paint palette (this being my brain) with as many colors and ideas
as possible.