Wednesday, November 21, 2012

news bloopers

i can't explain it.. but my newest addiction in the last few months have been news bloopers

if there is a news blooper on youtube, chances are: I have already seen it

I have no clue what brought this addiction on seriously

being able to improv your way out of a disaster??

the theatre of live entertainment and "train wrecks.. live" ??

i really don't know why bloopers ... particularly on the news of all things... i dunno

throw me a bone here... must examine later on

Thursday, November 15, 2012

just saw ruby sparks

so in this movie Ruby Sparks.. wow btw today i muscled through 1/2 of season 1 of Community... really really attracted to the short bubbly brunette

ok here' my short review of the film..  I feel it was a great great intriguing and compelling premise.  At times, I felt the author/ screenwriter took some of these thoughts out of my own head at times.  But... I think at the end it kind of loses its bearings.  I'm fine with the unanswered questions that some movies will sloppily leave you at the end, but what I found sloppy in its execution was the denouement.  HA.. for the first time I used denouement in this blog... and o my goodness I realize I misspelled my damn play on words.. how embarrassing!!  Fuck a Duck!

original point about the movie.. there was this moment or thought the author has about melding the dreamworld/imagination with reality/real world...  That was basically my most favorite theme of the movie.. It's kind of the premise of Buwan.. and I really feel it's something I want to have as a theme in many of my future films.  And it was also one of the many thoughts in the film that I think this screenwriter chick actually stole out of my brain, damn her.  Is she going out with that scrawny Paul Dano really??  Fuck Ducks... multiple Ducks!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Well, somehow I can't rid myself of some of this clutter..... I want to be able to one day take on the Buddhist way of thinking and just not have any belongings and/or not have any belongings have a control over me.

here is my rankings of stuff I would grab if there was a fire

1. Computer
2. X Box
3. LG LCD flat screen TV
4. my jerseys
5. diplomas
6. the awesome pic of my parents on that sand bar
7. tattoo fund coin jar
8. hat collection
9. expensive ass cameras I've accrued (i really should think about selling one to help debt)
10. some .. favorite shirts??

honestly I really believe this computer.. with some of my writings and ideas and video editing possibilities is the most important thing on this list... I'm thinking once I own my own editing/ sound studio I'll not need this computer anymore...   hmmm is that anti- what I was going for